In the following, the numbering coming with the sigla relates to that in the thesis of François-Pierre Goy and carries no external significance. The sigla are those also employed in the database PAN, where the information concerning datings is explained in detail. As given here, some of the information has been revised as a consequence of recent research results, and thus does not accord any more with that given in the thesis twenty years ago.
For a comparison of the sigla used by Schulze-Kurz, by Goy, and with all of the sources consulted, the following lists can be used:
- all sources registered in both studies, sorted following Goy
- all sources registered in both studies, sorted following Schulze-Kurz
- all sources registered in both studies, listed alphabetically with their location or author
a) Manuscripts
EDINBURGH, National library of Scotland (GB-En), Acc. 9769 84/1/6, called Lord Crawford’s Lute Book, 1710 ca (formerly BALCARRES, Lord Crawford’s private library (GB-BALcrawford), without shelf number)
2-CH-Bu 53
BASEL, Öffentliche Bibliothek der Universität Basel (CH-Bu), Ms. F.IX.53, 1620-1640 ca (section in Accords Nouveaux: 1625-1635 ca)
3-D-B 40068
BERLIN, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz (D-B), Mus. Ms. 40068, 1656-1674 (section in Accords Nouveaux: 1656 ca)
BERLIN, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz (D-B), Mus. Ms. 40264, 1650-1660 ca
5-CH-BEa 123
BERN, Staatsarchiv (CH-BEa), HA Spiez 123, 1622 [?]
6-B-Br 276
BRUXELLES, Bibliothèque royale Albert 1er (B-Br), Ms. II. 276, 1670-1680 ca
7-GB-Ctc O.16.2
CAMBRIDGE, Trinity College library (GB-Ctc), Ms. O. 16. 2, 1635 ca
8-US-CAh 174
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Harvard University, Houghton library (US-CAh), Ms. Mus. 174, 1665-1675 ca
9-US-Cn 7.Q.5
CHICAGO, Newberry library (US-Cn), Case Ms. 7.Q.5, 1624 ca
10-D-DO 1214.1
KARLSRUHE, Badische Landesbibliothek, Musikabteilung (D-KA), Don Mus. Ms. 1214/1 (olim: DONAUESCHINGEN, Fürstliche Fürstenbergische Hofbibliothek), 1640-1645 ca
11-Panmure 8
EDINBURGH, National library of Scotland (GB-En), Ms. 9449 (olim Panmure House, Ms. 8), 1640-1645 ca
12-Panmure 5
EDINBURGH, National library of Scotland (GB-En), Ms. 9452 (olim Panmure House, Ms. 5), 1635 ca
EDINBURGH, National library of Scotland (GB-En), Dep. 314 n° 23, 1643-1648
14-A-KR 81
KREMSMÜNSTER, Benediktiner-Stift, Regenterei oder Musikarchiv (A-KR), Ms. L 81, 1645 ca
15-D-LEm 26
LEIPZIG, Städtische Bibliotheken, Musikbibliothek (D-LEm), Ms. III. 11. 26, 1625-1640 ca
16-Botnia Part 1; Part 2; Part 3
LONDON, British library (GB-Lbl), Add. Ms. 16889, 1616-1680 (section in Accords Nouveaux: 1665 ca)
LONDON, British library (GB-Lbl), Add. Ms. 38539, 1615 -1645 ca (section in Accords Nouveaux: 1630-1645 ca)
LONDON, British library (GB-Lbl), Ms. Egerton 2046, 1616 or earlier - 1645 ca (section in Accords Nouveaux: 1630-1645 ca)
LONDON, British library (GB-Lbl), K. 3. m. 21, manuscript additions to Michelagnolo Galilei, Il Primo Libro d’intavolatura di liuto…, Munich [s.n.], 1620. 1625-1640 ca (section in Accords Nouveaux: 1640 ca)
20-S-N 1122
NORRKÖPING, Stadsbiblioteket (S-N), Ms. Finsp. Nr. 1122, 1640
21-S-N 9074
NORRKÖPING, Stadsbiblioteket (S-N), Ms. Finsp. Nr 9074, 1639
22-S-N 9096:11
NORRKÖPING, Stadsbiblioteket (S-N), Ms. Finsp. Nr 9096:11, 1640
23-D-Ngm 6
NÜRNBERG, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Bibliothek (D-Ngm), Ms. 33748/271.6, 1660-1665 ca
24-D-Ngm 8
NÜRNBERG, Germanisches Nationalmuseum (D-Ngm), Ms. 33748/271.8, 1650-1660 ca
25-GB-Ob B 2
OXFORD, Bodleian library (GB-Ob), Ms. Mus. Sch. B 2, 1642-1643 ca
26-GB-Ob E 411
OXFORD, Bodleian library (GB-Ob), Ms. Mus. Sch. E 411, 1660 ca
PARIS, Bibliothèque nationale de France (F-Pn), Rés. Vma. ms. 1404, on loan from the Centre national de la recherche scientfique (F-Pcnrs), 1630-1636 ca
PARIS, Bibliothèque nationale de France (F-Pn), Rés. Vmf. ms. 48, 1663-1682 (section in Accords Nouveaux: 1664-1668 ca)
29-F-Pn 6211
PARIS, Bibliothèque nationale de France (F-Pn), Vm7 6211, 1640-1675 ca (section in Accords Nouveaux: 1640-1645 ca)
PRAHA, Narodní muzeum, Muzeum české hudby, hudební archiv (CZ-Pnm), Ms. IV.G.18, 1623-1640 ca (section in Accords Nouveaux: 1627-1637 ca)
31-US-R 186
ROCHESTER, Sibley music library (US-R), Vault M 140 V 186 S, 1640 ca
32-D-ROu 54
ROSTOCK, Universitätsbibliothek, Fachgebiet Musik (D-ROu), Ms. Saec. XVII.54, 1670 ca
33-J-Tn 42
TOKYO, Nanki ongaku bunko (J-Tn), Ms. N-4/42, ca 1706-1721 (section in Accords Nouveaux: 1706 ca)
34-D-Us 132
ULM, Stadtbibliothek (D-Us), Smr. Misc. 132, 1625-1626 ca
WARMINSTER, Longleat House, Old library (GB-WMl), Recess VI, Music Ms. n° 7, 1634 ca
LONDON, Royal academy of music, Library (GB-Lam), Ms. 603, called Margaret Board’s Lute Book, (formerly WOODFORD GREEN, private collection of Robert Spencer, without shelf number) 1620-1635 ca (section in Accords Nouveaux: 1630-1635 ca)
MÜNCHEN, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (D-Mbs), Mus. ms. 21646, called Albrecht Werl’s Lute Book, (formerly WOODFORD GREEN, private collection of Robert Spencer, without shelf number) 1625-1650 ca (sedction in Accords Nouveaux: 1640-1650 ca)
38-CH-Zz 907
ZÜRICH, Zentralbibliothek (CH-Zz), Q 907, 1640-1642
MANCHESTER, John Rylands University library (GB-Mr), Tabley House lute book, 1665 ca
SANKT-PETERSBURG, Biblioteka Rossijoskoj Akademii nauk (RUS-SPan), Ms. O N° 124, for lute, viol, baryton and keyboard, 1630-1660 ca
41-D-Gs 3150 This source has not been covered by the thesis.
GÖTTINGEN, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, 4° Mus. V, 3150 (manuscript addition to Jean-Baptiste Besard, Thesaurus harmonicus, Köln: G.Grevenbuch, 1603), 1630-1645 ca
42-F-Pn 16987 This source has not been covered by the thesis.
PARIS, Bibliothèque nationale de France (F-Pn), département des Manuscrits, Ms. Fr. 16987, 1640-1650 ca
50-F-Pn Vm7 6209 This source has not been covered by the thesis.
Two leaves, probably from 29-F-Pn Vm7 6211, bound by mistake into Giovanni Antonio Casteliono, Intabolatura de leuto de diversi autori nuovamente stampata… Milano: Casteliono 1536 (Brown 1536-9) in the eighteenth century.
51-B-Gu HS. 3898/15 This source has not been covered by the thesis. A more detailed description can therefore be found here.
Gent, Rijksuniversiteit, Centrale Bibliotheek (B-Gu), HS. 3898/15, 1650 ca
This single leaf contains a Ballet de l'archeducq Léopolde by Balthazar Richard for 12-course baroque lute in dedfg* [ceghkm] tuning.
The ballet thematises four parlour games:
entree 1re | Les dez (in modern French "les dés"): Dice game
2me verquiere: Jeu de Reverquière, a variant of Tric Trac played in the Netherlands (see: and
3me | les cartes: card games
4me le maille: Jeu de mail (see:
Greet Schamp: 'Vergeten muzikaal erfgoed weer doen klinken.' Een artistiek onderzoek van herontdekte tabulaturen voor cister, barokluit, barokharp, en barokgitaar / 'Make long forgotten musical heritage resound anew.' An artistic investigation of re-discovered tabulatures for cittern, baroque lute, baroque harp and baroque guitar / 'Vergessenes musikalisches Erbe von neuem zum Klingen bringen. Eine Betrachtung neu entdeckter Tabulaturen für Cister, Barocklaute, Barockharfe und Barockgitarre, in: Geluit-Luthinerie Yearbook 2012, pp. 2-5 (Flemish) / pp. 6-7 (English) / p. 19 (German).
Greet Schamp: 'Make long forgotten musical heritage resound anew': The Gent lute manuscripts, in: in: The Lute in the Netherlands in the Seventeenth Century: Proceedings of the International Lute Symposium Utrecht, 30 August 2013, ed. by Jan W.J. Burgers, Tim Crawford and Matthew Spring, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2016, ISBN 978-1-4438-9075-5, p. 277-307.
52-NL-DHk 133 C 14 - B. This source has not been covered by the thesis.
Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland (NL-DHk), 133 C 14 - B, fol. 177.2v, entry by Paulus Röder from Kochberg, dated 16. January 1634, in the register of Burchard Großmann the younger, Dresden, for 10-course lute tuned dedff [cegh].
Literature: Joshua Rifkin: Heinrich Schütz und seine Brüder: Neue Stammbucheinträge, in: Schütz-Jahrbuch 2010, S. 151-167.
b) Prints. The following sources have not been covered by the thesis.
Ballard 1623
BALLARD, Pierre (ed.). Tablature de Luth de differents auteurs sur l’accord ordinaire et extraordinaire recueillie par P. Ballard, Paris: P. Ballard, 1623 (the title page alone was part of the collection of March Pincherle, when this was auctioned in Paris [Hôtel Drouot], 3 to 5 March 1975 – its present whereabouts are unknown).
43-Ballard 1631
BALLARD, Pierre (ed.). Tablature de Luth de differens autheurs sur les accords nouveaux, Paris: P. Ballard, 1631
44-Mersenne 1636-H
MERSENNE, Marin. Harmonicorum instrumentorum libri IV, Paris: P. Ballard, 1636 (Guillo 1636-H)
45-Mersenne 1636-I
MERSENNE, Marin. Harmonie universelle, contenant la theorie et la pratique de la musique, Paris: P. Ballard, 1636 (Guillo 1636-I)
46-Ballard 1638
BALLARD, Pierre (ed.). Tablature de Luth de differents autheurs sur les accords nouveaux. Paris: P. Ballard, 1638
47-Pierre Gaultier 1638
GAULTIER, Pierre. Les œuvres de Pierre Gaultier Orleanois, Rome: [s.n.], 1638
48-Mathew 1652
MATHEW, Richard. The Lutes apology for her excellency, London: L. Chapman, 1652
49-Mace 1676
MACE, Thomas. Musick’s Monument; or, a remembrancer Of the best Practical Musick, Both Divine and Civil, that has ever been known, to have been in the World, London: the Author / J. Carr, 1676